Dice-y reviews

From tens to dices

Just a quick update, on my reviews system. There's a lot of great stuff just around the corner though, so come back again!

I've reviewed, since the beginning of my blog, with a rating out of 10. However, I find it difficult to distinguish the reasoning between, for example, a 6 or 7 out of 10. What makes the 10% difference? Even worse, rating systems based on a percentage out of a 100, it's just a ridiculous system.

A good review should explain in it's text if a title is good, average, excellent etc. Ratings, in my opinion, often just end up as ammunition for fanboys, so they can argue which game is the best. Not to mention, what even makes a perfect 10/10 or 100%? It's usually a matter of opinion.

No game is perfect, but there can be titles that really go the extra mile and are ground breaking within it's genre. A game that gets top reviews, should be a game that's still good in many years to come, a classic.

To give some indication, though, I've opted for a dice roll rating, popular here in Norway. In other words, a rating out of 6. It's a simpler system, distinguishing titles with less options on a rougher scale. You'll be seeing it in my reviews from now on and I'll retrospectively change the older ones.

So, to put it in words:

Avoid, flaws and nuisances that take the enjoyment out of playing it.

Not good
Contains many faults, yet somehow has some features that are not completely useless.

Doesn't do things necessarily bad, but excels in doing nothing special. It may well be enjoyable for people that are fans of the series or genre.

A solid game, some disappointments or little excelling, but definitely a title to check out.

Really good
Great quality title, a must-buy, even though it may not be pushing new frontiers or perfection.

A title that excels at it's goals. Gameplay, story and content is amazing. A release you simply cannot miss!

Take this review system or leave it!

Top tip though: never let scores be the final judgement or use them alone to make up an opinion. Read the user feedback, good and bad, get a sense of what the game does and doesn't do right. Check out gameplay footage or try it at a friend or through a demo. It'll give a sense if the game is for you or not.

Everyone has their own taste and a title that others find bad, may be great to you!

Stay tuned!