Don't crash the coot


Played on: PlayStation 4 & Xbox One X
Released: 2017 & 2018

Long story short, I bought the Crash Bandicoot remaster collection back on the base PS4 when it launched in 2017. Gradually getting frustrated at the strange control system and frustrating hitboxes, I gave it up and forgot about. Fast forward, to the recent release on Xbox One and I repurchased it for the X. Bonus was that this version is native 4K with HDR.

My initial thoughts on this game weren't exactly positive back in 2017, I had considered reviewing it, but I became increasingly frustrated over what felt like. A substantial input lag and hitboxes that didn't correspond with enemy sizes and the edges of objects. The added annoyance of an unskippable intro, long loading for levels and simple tasks like title screens, I abandoned the game.

My PS4 has been in little use since the Xbox One X launched, but I always had an idea of going back to the N.Sane Trilogy, but never got around to it. However, a spontaneous repurchase on the One X left me replaying this badly titled remaster, but this time around on way better monitor in 4K, with HDR and super low latency.

Did it change my opinion? Well, actually it did.

My initial disappointing impression then, has changed. The super crisp and colourful world pops even more in the largely enhanced upgrade from the standard 1080p on the base PS4 to the native 4K with HDR on the X. The HDR transforms the colour and lighting to become really vibrant and just shine even more.

CB is a good looking game, that brings back a great nostalgia feeling of the original games. A lot of care is taken  to upgrade the visuals in each of the three games, while at the same time looking close to how you remember them. It's one of the best made remakes visually, for sure.

Gameplay is another story though, the developer seem to think that it needed to resemble the original games a little too closely in my opinion. There's even a difference here in that CB1 controls noticeably worse than CB 2 & 3, much like the original games. I ended up using the d-pad for CB1, as that was how the first game was designed to be played. But should I need to in 2017/2018?

I wish they'd modernised the controls and gameplay further, but I guess they aim to copy that exact feeling for the old games. As such, this collection can get extremely frustrating at times. You'll be misjudging distances and enemy positions consistently and ripping you hair out as you die. Over and over.

The transition then going from a 40-60ms input lag on a TV, to my new monitor at 5-10ms was significant and a great factor in making me enjoy this trilogy far more. These games have a slow momentum increase as you accelerate into movement and a sluggish precision to the jumping, they almost have to be played on a screen that allows a low latency.

That said, no screen can save you from the 30fps lock. I really wish they could have bumped the game up to 60fps for the One X, it would have helped tremendously to control Crash more precisely. It's a missed opportunity once again, aiming for the 60fps should have been a priority and will be something only PC gamers can do.

Otherwise, the collection is a healthy bargain. Half price of a new game and a complete set of all the first three CB titles is great value for money. You'll have plenty of hours of platforming to dig into and it's a far better way to enjoy them for old Crash fans and newcomers alike. There's even a more cohesive look to the animation and model of Crash too, compared to the original three that developed over the years they were released. I like that they even allow you to play Coco on all stages too, even in CB1!

N. Sane Trilogy is mostly for the nostalgic players out there, wanting to relive those 90's years of the classic on the first PlayStation. While the base PS4 version is fine, the loading really hampers enjoyment and I would rather recommend the X version, if not only for the HDR too. The HDR makes the whole world pop out so much more and the native 4K is so crisp.

Most importantly though, for those interested in some platforming you should play this game with two factors in mind. Firstly, it's a brutally difficult and unfair at times and, secondly, you need to play on a low latency screen or the PC version in 60fps.

A nice remaster release hampered by some weird design choices to keep stuff that, even nostalgia can't hide, were bad ideas back in the 90's. While newcomers will have a lot of value for money here, it perhaps is aimed at the fans of the originals.