13, unlucky for some?

What's up? This is a little update on what I'm playing at the moment, no games completed since last time though!

Final Fantasy XIII. Yeah, that's right, a RPG title! I don't normally play RPG's. Through my gaming career I've played the following RPG's: Final Fantasy VII, FFVII: Crisis Core and Fallout 3. All of them, I've very much enjoyed. So, when FFXIII came out last week, I just fancied a singleplayer game with some length and not being a genre I'd normally play, so I jumped in! I'm currently about 18 hours in and I can say that I'm really enjoying it!

The story is finally gaining steam and getting very interesting. The environments are fantastic and I enjoy the futuristic setting. RPG's set in olden days and the middle ages really don't appeal as much to me. The combat is faster than previous Final Fantasy titles I've played, it's easy to learn and entertaining. I'll update you on a full review when I finish it!

In my multiplayer world, I'm currently playing Battlefield: Bad Company 2. The fun in online shooters is finally coming back to me after the disappointment that was Modern Warfare 2. In BC2, it takes time to obtain better weapons and unlocks such as a red dot sight, but when you do. it really makes a difference. You actually feel how good the more advanced weapons are.

I also love the way the environments get destroyed. There's nothing like seeing an enemy hiding inside a house, they're heads popping up in the windows, and then simply blowing away the whole wall with a grenade launcher and seeing them fall to the ground!

I had a hilarious moment in BC2 the other day, I was flying a Black Hawk chopper with two friends aboard. I'd done a few successful fly by passes, when I lowered the chopper towards an enemy watch post and suddenly was sniped. I simply died over the flight controls, making the chopper instantly fall towards the ground with my friends yelling down their microphones: “what the fuck is going on, can't you fly?!”. Hilarious.

Perfect Dark for Xbox Live Arcade came out this week. It’s a HD remake of the Nintendo 64 classic by Rare. This time it’s running at a, ultra, smooth 60fps with Full 1080 HD! Add the fact that you get three multiplayer maps and the complete weapon set from GoldenEye, and this is a really great deal. I've only tried out the singleplayer an hour or so but it seems solid!

That’s it, I’ll see you around then! Cheers!