The revelation of a cruise liner


Played on: Xbox 360
Released: 2013
Originally released: 2012 (3DS)

Resident Evil is back again, this time it's a HD version of the handheld horror from the Nintendo 3DS last year, Resident Evil Revelations. I decided to pick this one up after being pleasantly convinced by a demo on Xbox Live.

There's always been a hope inside of me for the Resident Evil franchise to return to the original formula of the PlayStation 1 trilogy, Code Veronica, REmake and Zero. Before Resident Evil 4 changed the series to an action orientated affair without the scares. Back to horror and atmosphere the series used to have.

Revelations meets us halfway, and sort of takes the best from both worlds. It combines them into a fairly short, yet intense and successful Resident Evil title.

Revelations takes place in the rather confusing RE timeline inbetween RE4 and 5. The setting is on a cruise liner, reminding me of Resident Evil Dead Aim, a lightgun release on the PS2. On board this cruise ship the crew have been infected by a bio-terror virus. The main character, and RE favourite, Jill Valentine and her partner Parker Luciani must explore what happened on the ship.

It's a neat setting which builds atmosphere at a nice pace and relies on a creepy, sea themed, vintage look of the environments. Combined with the scares of claustrophobic fights indoors. You're up against fewer enemies than we're used to in the recent RE releases, but it's a nice break from the full-on action in RE 4, 5 and 6. It's even a break from the hectic and fast paced games in general these days. It's free of Albert Wesker's cheesiness too, which is an overused and almost comedic RE villain by now.

Revelations allows you to aim while walking, just like RE6. It feels great to finally play a RE which controls like a modern third person shooter. In no way does it hinder the intensity of battles, or give you an unfair advantage. You'll be having a struggle and indeed a true "survival horror" experience, rather than Capcom's cheap "survival action" term from RE4 and onward.

To me, this is how every RE game since the ones with fixed camera angles should've been played. The movement hindrance done by the "walk or shoot" mechanics of the series has always been a game breaker for the fully 3D RE titles for me, ruining the pace. Thankfully, Revelations controls and plays incredibly well. Although, I think this is a lot due to the fact of an added analogue stick, compared to the one stick only 3DS version, allowing for character and camera movement combined.

I love the environments in RE:Rev, the cruise liner is an atmospheric setting with it's vintage interiors, looking like something from the Titanic. The way the rooms look and are lit with various lighting, from dimmed to flickering, really set the mood for a horror experience. The colour palette is varied too.

I enjoy that you're awarded for searching the rooms with a scanner you're equipped with. Doing so lets you find ammo, weapon upgrades and other secrets. It helps slow the pace down and actually makes exploring your surroundings worthwhile, without constantly rushing towards the next goal.

The enemy design lends itself a lot to the Silent Hill franchise, and look different from the standard zombie design in other RE titles. I like the change, it adds originality and the enemies' design suits the aquatic theme well.

There are some disappointments though. It looks fine, but the conversion from a small handheld console doesn't make it stunning in any way. There's clearly a low polygon style from the handheld shining through. The snow environments look especially bad.

You'd think they'd get a game like this running in 60 fps with less loading screens too. I also wonder why they didn't keep a 3D option in the game considering it was released on the 3DS, for those of us owning 3D TVs. The character models look improved though!

The side missions, which tell the story of the others characters, also vary in quality. They occur a little too often and distracts the build of atmosphere, breaking you away from the main story on the cruise liner. Some of the characters in these side missions are annoying and really show some cheesy Japanese humour which I would've preferred to be without. The gun sounds are really bad quality, especially considering they're licensed guns.

I really enjoyed my playthrough of the  and unlocking the brand new "Raid Mode" was a pleasant surprise. In Raid you can play through short missions, using parts of the map from the main game. You main task being killing all the enemies and finding the exit. Completing missions lets you earn XP, which again is used for levelling your character.

Money you earn is used for buying new weapons and upgrades. These upgrades, which you can also find in the main game by exploring the environments with the scanner, help make the weapons more unique and powerful. I found this mode addictive and there is a ton of replay value thanks to it, there's even coop online for it!

Revelations has been a nice welcome back to a more traditional Resident Evil style, without quite getting there all the way. I recommend it for all the veteran RE fans who would prefer atmospheric and slower paced horror, combined with modern shooting mechanics.

It takes great ideas from both ends of the RE franchise and ends up being a solid entry to the franchise, even though it's a spin-off release. Hopefully, a full budget RE7 could explore Revelations' way of doing things.