Back to Rapture!


Played on: Xbox 360
Released: 2013

The ending in Bioshock Infinite begged for a return to Rapture and luckily the first story driven DLC pack, Burial at Sea, does just that. You can read my review of the main game, here.

Fans usually enjoy tributes and reuniting with old, familiar ground, so the return to Rapture is a welcome sight. Everything has been built up from the ground up in the Infinite engine and it gives a glimpse of how Rapture was before it's downfall. It gives you the sense of being there, prior to and during, it's collapse and became the nightmare from the first Bioshock game. It's an interesting experience for the atmosphere and scenery alone.

Luckily, there's a nice story webbed into this episode and you get to play with Elizabeth, your handy partner from the main game. There are some fairly free areas to roam and explore, with lots of hidden items and audio logs. A fairly large
 amount of enemies to defeat too, giving you a hard challenge to survive! I kind of enjoyed fighting these splicers more than the enemies in the main game. Guess it's more of a throwback to how Bioshock 1 & 2 was!

I highly recommend all Bioshock fans to play this DLC, it's about 3 hours long and really ties the original Bioshock games and Infinite together nicely. Hopefully we'll see an equally interesting Episode 2 DLC, further on.