Definitive raiding of tombs


Played on: PlayStation 4 & Xbox One
Released: 2014

A short review incoming here. I've recently replayed one of 2013's best games, the reboot of the famous the franchise, Tomb Raider. It was recently remastered on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

The main difference being higher resolution, better textures, added visual effects and an improved Lara Croft character model. Complete with her new, and much talked about, hair physics! PC owners will find little new here, as they received the graphically superior version in the first place, minus the new Lara model.

I've very much enjoyed replaying it as I've wanted to for a while. So, when this remastered version appeared, I went for that instead! You can read my original review of the game, here. My opinion and top score remain!

For those with new consoles, who still haven't played the original release, really should go for this release. It's a superb title that easily passes as a release for the new generation of consoles when the graphical quality is increased. The Xbox One version runs 1080@30fps and the PS4 runs 1080@60fps. The framerate bump of the PS4 version really makes a difference, although it never manages to stay completely stable. It feels and plays smoother overall though.

Update: The Xbox One version now runs 60fps with 16xAF on Series X/S, making it a great automatic upgrade for potential buyers. The PS4 Pro and PS5 will run it at locked 60fps too, but without AF enhancements.

Regardless of which console you choose, you're in for a fantastic adventure! The excellent story, presentation, setting, detailed world and awesome gameplay makes this one of the best releases of modern times.