Reduxing back to the Moscow Metro

Recently, the Metro games on my PlayStation 4 were reduced on sale, and so I jumped in and bought them in one pack. They're both the enhanced Redux versions. I'll review them separately, but also give the package a score.


Played on: PlayStation 4
Released: 2014

I reviewed Metro 2033, on the Xbox 360, back here. It was one of those games that I felt went over too quickly and left me, not disappointed, but wanting more. However, it stuck with me as a great memory and I've often looked back at some of it's claustrophobic, and atmospheric, moments down in the tunnels of the Moscow metro, as being very unique and memorable.

Going back to 2033, in this Redux version, has been a more positive experience than the first time around, even though I knew what was going to happen. Firstly, they've lifted the user interface from Metro Last Night, which I never played back then, giving the inventory navigation during gameplay a better flow.

Managing weapons, ammo and finding the equipment you need is simpler. The gas mask, filter swap and night vision goggles are faster to navigate too. This overhaul is a nice upgrade and makes the stressing gameplay moments more enjoyable.

The completely remade graphics, and characters models brought over from the PC version of Last Night, has lifted 2033 up to Last Night's PC graphical level, Making the two games in this package cohesive in their visuals. It makes replaying 2033 Redux, compared to last generations Xbox 360 version, a significant upgrade.

The solid 60fps@1080p graphics, that's 900p for Xbox One owners, make the Redux version play like a completely new experience altogether. They haven't simply just ran the last generation game in higher resolution, but completely redone all the textures and details. It's a remaster of very high quality.

For some strange reason, I felt the ending of 2033 to be less abrupt than the first time I played it. Maybe I just took my time during the playthrough this time. It's about soaking up the atmosphere and playing it less aggressive than your typical shooter.

I found I had much more money and ammo this time around, taking my time to scavenge bodies, rooms, furniture and dead ends. I believe I may have played it "wrong" the last time, much like any generic shooter game, which really is not how it's meant to be played.

Luckily, the Redux version has an option to play it in two modes. Survival mode, is how the original release was and the intended way or spartan mode. The latter gives you lots of ammo and focuses on being a typical shooter.

I like that they give you the option, especially for people wanting a simpler playthrough. I do, however, strongly recommend survival mode for your first playthrough, it's the way it was meant to be played. Setting it apart from any other shooter. Just take your time, loot everything and you'll be fine in survival mode!

Metro 2033 offers a stealthy approach to the gameplay too, I found it slightly underplayed though. It's never really is introduced, or reminded to the player as a worthy option, I ended up just fighting traditionally in large gunfights instead. This is why I have a feeling that 2033 feels a less cleverly laid out than what it could have been. The ideas are there, but they're just not clear to the player.

There are still issues that haven't been addressed in this version, though. While the A.I. has apparently been improved, I still find the creatures and enemy soldier being a little stupid in the way they move around. They simply aren't aggressive enough to attack you while in cover, as such, I camped during intense moments and waited for them to come along and be shot down by me.

The animation of the characters and their English voice overs are still bad. You can rectify some of this by switching to the Russian voices, though subtitles kills the immersion in my opinion, plus the Germans speak Russian then. Speaking of the animations, it's kind of sad to see this visually pleasing game have such robotic and badly animated movements. It stands out even more than it did back in 2010.

This still proves itself as a memorable  experience, recommended for those that enjoy a great post-apocalyptic setting and scary games. While it's not directly horror, it gives you a dark and chilling feeling throughout the game. The variation between fighting human soldiers and creatures is a welcome one, that's been proven once again as a winning formula for enemy variation, much like Half-Life and the first Far Cry.

2033 may not be as well panned out in it's lifespan as the sequel, and it can feel short, but it really is worth playing before jumping on to the sequel!


Played on: PlayStation 4
Released: 2014

This is my very first playthrough of Last Night, as I didn't play the sequel last generation. Quickly I gather this title addresses a lot of the issues of the first game. For instance, it lets you try out a few powerful weapons from the get go and has you followed by a helpful sniper on your first mission. Easing you into the combat, heavily armed, before taking your privileges away.

It then proceeds to learn you about the stealth elements on offer, which are far more valued here than in the first game. Last Night teaches you properly to play in a stealthy manner. It's viable option of taking down enemies this time around.

Last Night's story feels tigther scripted too, more memorable characters and personalities. The story, while essentially not as shocking as the first game, is better presented and more dramatic visualised. This is further reflected in the largely different areas you battle in.

The surroundings, and your objectives, are better varied and memorable too, keeping the the player more engaged and entertained with it's gameplay.

Sure, it can get repetitive  like any other shooter, but it feels less so than the first title. The environments you traverse, although all of them depict a ruined Moscow after the atomic war, have a lot of visual variety in them. I appreciate that they have accomplished this, considering the depressive setting it visualises.

Just like 2033, the whole story feels like a long journey through a city devastated by nuclear war. Last Night adds deeper diversity to the world the first game introduced. Depicting new sides to how the humans have survived and live on underground. I really like the visually strong shift from the dark underground to bright outdoors too.

Both games in this Redux pack handle the same when it comes to gameplay, however Last Night has an edge on the amount of weapons and customisation. In 2033 there weren't that many weapon types, in Last night there's a better selection.

Especially some of the more powerful sniper rifles are a nice welcome and a handy companion on the more open areas of the surface. Just like the first game, there's a variety in weaponry that suits the gameplay style you wish to play. Be it guns blazing or stealthy kills with suppressors, air pressure or arrow weapons.

Last Night may follow 2033 very close, and it might just offer of the same, but it packages it up better with it's variety, better visualised story and more consistent in gameplay. Though, if you disliked 2033, I doubt you'll find this game any more appealing. Like I said earlier, the story is presented better, but maybe lacks the wow effect only the first game could deliver as it introduced us to the whole setting of the Metro universe.

As such, both games work together extremely well. If there's a thing 2033 has an edge on it's the more creepy and scary feeling. It was more common to encounter I felt, while it very seldom does in Last Night. On the other hand, Last Night has some extremely desperate situations of low ammo and overwhelming odds of enemies. Really feeling like a survival game.

With it's longer lifespan, gameplay variation and better learning curve, Last Night really nails what this franchise is about in one title. Play the first game, as it feels a little darker and spookier, and has a plot that really builds the foundation of the whole scenario that this game continues. Then go into Last Night with the gameplay experience and get challenged in new and enjoyable ways! Overall, Last Night is the better package of the two.


These remasters are fantastic. The developer's technical achievement of completely revamping the graphics and running them in solid 60fps is noteworthy and overshadowed by more popular franchises and clearly lazier remasters. The fact that they pulled the first game up to the standards of the sequels PC counterpart is admirable, and it levels out the difference between the two games.

The Metro games are unique in an otherwise very crowded genre and their atmosphere is excellent. They excel in the lighting department and depict some memorable dark scenes. With sunlight and flashlights lighting up fog, dust particles in the air and casting incredible shadows everywhere. Buying the Metro Redux package is real value for money and warmly recommended.

Collection rating: