Announced at this years E3, was SquareEnix confirming a long awaited remake of their classic Final Fantasy VII game. A remake gamers have been waiting on for years, as it is considered one of the best titles in the franchise. While I'm no huge FF fan, I've understood that some of the older 2D titles in the franchise are often considered better games, FFVI, for one, is mentioned a lot.
However, FFVII broke the barrier when it comes to public popularity. Everybody seemed to play FFVII when it was released on the first PlayStation back in 1997. It's success was monumental and as such a remake has been something on the wishlist for many since, especially considering the varying quality of titles within the metaseries of FFVII.
Talking about crudely designed, how should the actual character models be? The original FFVII cast had a weird way of depicting it's characters. Firstly, you have the fairly detailed CGI model. Then you have the fine, but still basic, battle model of each character. Finally, sigh, you have the laughably simple 3D characters you traverse the world with.
However, FFVII broke the barrier when it comes to public popularity. Everybody seemed to play FFVII when it was released on the first PlayStation back in 1997. It's success was monumental and as such a remake has been something on the wishlist for many since, especially considering the varying quality of titles within the metaseries of FFVII.
It's perhaps one of the top ten most famous games of all time and is definitely in my top ten list. So yes, a remake is for me as exciting as the many outspoken people on the net. I just prefer to stay calm, until we actually get more information of what the end product will be.
Here are some of my thoughts on the matter, nevertheless.
Tomb Raider, which originally released the same year as FFVII, in 1997, received it's remake ten years later in 2007 and was dubbed Anniversary. It was bigger jump from the original than the RE remake. Adding modern controls and a less blocky design to it's levels. Bringing it's visuals ten years forward, allowing new players a change a chance to feel the magic and atmosphere of the original, without having it spoiled by dated visuals and clumsy controls.
So, a remake then, what do I think about it? As much as I have hopeful thoughts about this remake, I do have my concerns. If we look at other remakes released, in fact two great remakes of other classic PS1 releases, from the same era as FFVII.
We have Resident Evil, originally released in 1996, remade on the Nintendo Gamecube in 2002, further remastered into HD this year, which although was fairly true to the original, updated itself with new areas and ideas. It may have lost some of it's colourful palette for the time periods more grey, brown and gritty palette, but overall it was an excellent revisit to the scary mansion and it's changes were made for both new players and veterans alike.
Tomb Raider, which originally released the same year as FFVII, in 1997, received it's remake ten years later in 2007 and was dubbed Anniversary. It was bigger jump from the original than the RE remake. Adding modern controls and a less blocky design to it's levels. Bringing it's visuals ten years forward, allowing new players a change a chance to feel the magic and atmosphere of the original, without having it spoiled by dated visuals and clumsy controls.
These two examples are perhaps the best to understand what I'd love to see if Final Fantasy VII remake becomes a reality. Yet, within lies some problems. Should the FFVII remake simply copy the original to a tee, HD enhance the exact backdrops of the original, only in far more detailed graphics? Staying true to it's set camera angles and pre-rendered backgrounds? Or, should it go fully 3D with a third person perspective?
I could argue I'd prefer the first example. I'm perhaps scared that a fully 3D game will give another impression on areas you traverse. Seeing things from Clouds perspective, more than being a viewer from above. It alters the perception and atmosphere in both good and bad ways. The colour palette and overall look of each location should focus on being kept as distinct and close to the original as possible.
I could argue I'd prefer the first example. I'm perhaps scared that a fully 3D game will give another impression on areas you traverse. Seeing things from Clouds perspective, more than being a viewer from above. It alters the perception and atmosphere in both good and bad ways. The colour palette and overall look of each location should focus on being kept as distinct and close to the original as possible.
However, parts that were crudely designed in the original, should be updated to richer detail. A huge upgrade is needed for the character models, make them blend better into the backgrounds. Unlike Resident Evil's mansion rooms, more than often in FFVII, the ambitious backdrops seemed like a 2D picture that some 3D characters walked across, often with a somewhat weird perspective, looking slightly out of place.
Talking about crudely designed, how should the actual character models be? The original FFVII cast had a weird way of depicting it's characters. Firstly, you have the fairly detailed CGI model. Then you have the fine, but still basic, battle model of each character. Finally, sigh, you have the laughably simple 3D characters you traverse the world with.
These 3D models looked bad back in 1997 and look like something of the geometry of a Lego figure. As such, the character models need a tremendous make-over and remodelling. However some of the almost childish and anime like humour in FFVII looked "cute" with it's simple Chibi styled character models.
How will such scenes translate to "realistic" characters? In my opinion, the characters need to have a anime or fantasy like appearance. Art over realism if you get my drift.
There's a huge difference in remaking an old game and remastering a title from the last generation, much like how Final Fantasy X was remastered. Perhaps SquareEnix should've remastered FFVII years ago, saving them the trouble of finding out how to translate the game into modern times.
There's a huge difference in remaking an old game and remastering a title from the last generation, much like how Final Fantasy X was remastered. Perhaps SquareEnix should've remastered FFVII years ago, saving them the trouble of finding out how to translate the game into modern times.
Taking into consideration all the pros and cons of updating dialogue, remember that the original only had text, the character styles, basic animations and charming Chibi style, then full realism and gritty is something I hope they avoid. I must mention that a fully 3D version of FFVII is possible, something the Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII prequel title on the PlayStation Portable proved.
I wait in suspense for what they deliver, and if the remake can bring back the nostalgia of my first playthrough in the late 90's. I suppose fans should be prepared for quite a bit of changes being made, but I really hope for keeping some of the magic and original charm that made FFVII such a true classic.
We'll see, but SquareEnix, don't...don't screw up the music.
I wait in suspense for what they deliver, and if the remake can bring back the nostalgia of my first playthrough in the late 90's. I suppose fans should be prepared for quite a bit of changes being made, but I really hope for keeping some of the magic and original charm that made FFVII such a true classic.
We'll see, but SquareEnix, don't...don't screw up the music.