Gearing up for the ultimate


Played on: Xbox One
Released: 2015
Original release: 2006 (Xbox 360) & 2007 (PC)

Xbox 360's flagship title of 2006, is now remastered on the Xbox One. Bring on Gears Of War Ultimate Edition!

I bought the original Gears of War back in 2007, shortly after purchasing my Xbox 360. I instantly fell in love with this third person shooter classic. I loved the world design, controls and fantastic cover shooter mechanics. The series quickly grew to a trilogy, through the 360's lifespan, and even gave way for a spin-off. The developer for this remake are also the guys which are currently making the up and coming Gears of War 4, due out next year.

Instead of opting for a simple remaster, by running the original graphics in 1080p@60fps, developer The Coalition, have opted for a remake approach. Completely redoing and bringing the graphics up to a modern level, while retaining the distinct look and feel of the classic. The music score and voice overs are kept untouched, while some of the cutscenes are altered for improved dramatic effect.

As such, it falls into the remake category, rather than being a simple remaster.

Replaying, I must admit that the decision to upgrade the graphics subtly, yet incredibly pretty, is a neat one. It gives the impression of looking like how I remember the original. This gives the player a strong nostalgic feeling of playing it back in the day. Like I said, subtle, retaining the typical Gears style and looking, albeit with far improved graphics.

Playing the Ultimate Edition, I realise how much I've missed the Gears world on my Xbox One, I have truly enjoyed my replay of this gem. In my opinion the game itself has withstood the test of time, with many memorable scenes and gameplay that still feels incredible tight by today's standard. Few third-person shooters, even today, come close to the quality of gameplay this series offers. Movement and aiming feels responsive, precise and smooth.

"...the decision to upgrade the graphics the impression of looking like how I remember the original"

I love that they've added the exclusive fifth chapter from the PC version that came out in 2007, a year after the 360 release. Further beefing out the length of this, otherwise, short game. The more recent Gears of War sequels fixed the lifespan issue, but the original game on 360 always felt too short.

This reunion has also reminded me that this first Gears of War was a darker and more horror-like than the sequels, and series in general, became. This may change though, as the recent E3 trailer proved Gears 4 seems to be going for a darker and scarier style again!

If there's a complaint to be made, it's definitely missing the 60fps for singleplayer, though I guess they opted for more detailed graphics in the end. Luckily though, multiplayer is 60 fps! It really makes a difference. Proving, even further, how tight the Gears gameplay is, with the added smoothness and responsiveness of 60 fps. 

Here, you get all the classic multiplayer maps and gameplay from the first Gears of War, yet pulls in some cool elements and movement styles from Gears of War 3, like the excellent King Of The Hill mode and multi directional rolling.

Update: This game was updated with framerate boost on Xbox Series X/S, so it now runs 60fps in singleplayer too!

Being reacquainted with Marcus, Dom, Baird, Cole and Anya, eight years later, has been a pleasant experience in this Ultimate Edition. While I would've enjoyed some new areas, a 60fps singleplayer and a remake of all the Gears of Wars, it has positively kept itself very true to the original. Going down in history, alongside Tomb Raider Anniversary and Resident Evil Remake, as excellent remasters of excellent originals.

Even if you're fan of the Gears of War franchise, or never played the series previously, begin your journey and give this a playthrough! Time has proven it as a classic and what better way to play in upgraded graphics and full HD?!

If you're looking for an even greater experience with this title, I urge you to play it cooperatively with a friend, online or offline in splitscreen. A great coop experience and tons of fun!

One could only ask yourself: wouldn't it have been better if they'd ran all the four Gears games from the 360 in 1080p@60fps, without the graphical update? A kind of Halo Master Chief Collection for Gears of War, called Marcus Phoenix Collection or something.

It's an interesting thought, but luckily the end product is a fantastic one nevertheless.